I love food and cheese... I was snacking on Cheezies the other day at work and I discovered a J shaped Cheezie! It was probably one of the...

Strange shaped food

3:26 PM Sharon 0 Comments

I love food and cheese...

I was snacking on Cheezies the other day at work and I discovered a J shaped Cheezie! It was probably one of the most exciting things that happened all night during my work shift...yeah, I get excited about the strangest things.

Anyway, from that moment I remembered back to the time in 2007 when I was munching on baby carrots and I found a check mark shaped carrot. It reminded me of Nike. I named it the Nike carrot. It didn't live long though because I ate it.

It's funny how the strange looking foods were all in the colour of orange.

But anyway, a year later I was munching on a bag of baby carrots again and I found a 'less than' sign shaped carrot.
I hated Pre Cal math during that time. I think it was trying to tell me something. ^_^ Don't eat carrots, do your math homework. Yeah right.

Yes, I had to document these interesting discoveries.

Question, have you ever encountered strange looking foods? if you did what did it resemble?

Anyway happy eating!