Amother rant. Yes, another rant. I had a yucky Sunday night. I didn't get enough sleep and in the morning I looked like a panda. O_o;;...

I'll give the web a piece of me, myself and I

2:58 PM Sharon 1 Comments

Amother rant. Yes, another rant.

I had a yucky Sunday night. I didn't get enough sleep and in the morning I looked like a panda. O_o;;

Sunday night, I had some personal issues that resulted in me feeling like my heart was being cut a gazillion times with a machete. No, no it wasn't a breakup if you are wondering. But I slept the night away, hoping the next day will be better.

Monday wasn't any better, but it wasn't any worse. I was greeted with a tiny dilemma in the morning, but nothing too incomprehensible. I guess, something negative should be expected after a previous negative situation.

Another thing to add to my worries.

I think for most of my life I've been living with a box over my head. Or an invisible bubble if you will. That's the truth. I keep to myself, I don't speak a word to anyone unless I really have to. I'm that character. I find it difficult to bond with people because I keep to myself so much.

Ironically I'm blogging about it. Strange.

I am afraid of opening myself up to people because I'm afraid of being hurt. Or afraid that people will reject me if I do something they don't like. I end up sticking behind the scenes and hiding away. It's not that I want to be quiet and not that I like being tucked away in a corner, it just that I seem to assume that role naturally.

Maybe because of how I was brought up in my household. I learned it was always better to be quiet than to speak out.

1 comment:

  1. People who reject you for who you are aren't awesome enough to be your friend. Only worry about the people who are awesome and want to be your friend. (The other people don't matter)
