Rude people! My encounter with a rude person this morning on the bus was epic. The bus was crowded with people. We were being squished t...

You know what I hate?

12:15 PM Sharon 2 Comments

Rude people!

My encounter with a rude person this morning on the bus was epic.

The bus was crowded with people. We were being squished together like a can of sardines and I was holding onto those hand grips hanging from the metal bars of the bus. An elderly passenger gets off at her stop and opens up a seat almost right next to me. As I moved toward the seat and was about to sit down...

A man about a foot and a half taller than me shoves his way passed me, and nearly pummels me down to the floor of the bus (well I felt like I was being pummeled). I looked at him, or wait, more like stared him down for attempting to hurt a short little defenseless innocent girl like me (maybe not defenseless, but you gotta feel my pain here). He snorts and plops his big butt on the seat and hugs his dirty duffle bag and looks up at me as if he won a game of "Race to Find a Bus Seat". Wait a sec, was he sneering at me?

Argh, I wanted to kick him in the face for stealing 'my' seat. I mean, it was quite obvious I was going to sit down after that seat had opened up. It was almost right beside me. To put it in perspective, I was the closest 'standing' person to that seat.

If I had known about another person fighting me for bus seat. I would have practiced my ninja skills.

Next time, I guess I'll quickly stick my butt out and claim the bus seat before someone shoves me over for it. I mean, it's no big deal, a bus seat is just a bus seat. I have no problem standing. But when someone actually fights me for one? That's going a little over the top.


  1. I really dislike rude people. :( They make me sad. You know what makes me happy? the 80s. :) Watching an episode of Fraggle Rock makes everything better! :)

    PS. Love the new layout for your blog!

  2. Teehee, I wish I was born early enough to know the 80s. ^_^

    Thank you kindly, Sir Nickel. I'm diggin' it too.
